The stealable SPL (sSPL) is a new token specification created using TOKEN2022 that is designed to be SPL compliant but not send or spend tokens outside of Black Market 2. This new token specification allowed us to implement our own DEX, while still enabling game mechanics where you can steal tokens from your opponents through a looting system.

In Black Market 2, 11 sSPLs and 1 standard SPL ($VALOR) are used, with the sSPLs divided into 2 raw materials and 9 Luxuries.

Raw materials

Citizens can manufacture the raw materials $MRE and $OIL with minimal processing. Raw materials are essential to the process of manufacturing Luxuries, i.e., they serve as the basic resources for all processes. However, $OIL and $MRE are resources manufactured in the empire, so there is no need to import resources through procurement.

Oil - $OIL (Empire)

Oil is the foundation of Fidelion's development and its sustaining power. Extracted from drilling plants and finally refined at the Fidelion Tower, the refined oil is the most valuable resource, with a versatility comparable to Valor currency.

MRE - $MRE (Empire)

The staple food of the Fidelians. Due to its stable supply and practicality, it is treated as a currency almost as valuable as oil. We can’t say they taste great, but expecting gourmet quality is just too much to ask given that the whole planet has become a barren wasteland. But wait, how are they growing ingredients in such a wasteland?


Harriers can manufacture Luxuries based on raw materials. Luxuries are specialties that symbolize each faction. Through each faction's process, raw materials can be processed into Luxuries using NFTs' labor and time.

Voodoo Doll - $VD (Blattas)

Most members of Blattas carry a crude voodoo doll made from twigs. These dolls are used to decorate their bikes, as companions when they have no one to talk to, and as grave markers when their young comrades are laid to rest beneath the earth contaminated with radioactivity.

Gold Teeth - $GT (Hunters)

When the Hunters capture prisoners, they meticulously inspect prisoners’ teeth and collect gold ones. These gold teeth are considered as the trophies of successful hunts, as well as accessories and tokens. Stories even speak of Hunters implanting these stolen gold teeth into their own gaping, toothless gums. However, this seems more likely to be a myth than reality misled by their infamous brutality.

JB Whiskey - $JBW (JackNBoyz)

We all at least once heard the famous quote from Jack, the leader of JackNBoyz.

"Even if the world were to go down to shit, there is one thing I would never give up on. Whiskey.”

The essence of JB Whiskey may be closer to crude home-brewed beer than actual whiskey, but aren’t mood and the label all that matters?"

Canteen - $CT (Nine Fingers)

The bottles that members of Nine Fingers carry around all the time raise several questions: what exactly is inside them, where to obtain them from, and why Nine Fingers always carry them, etc. However, no matter which question you ask, there's only one answer you'll ever hear: "Ask Dave.”

G Badge - $GB (Gary's Lounge)

The G badge symbolizes Gary's Lounge. This badge serves as a pass to the lounge's secret chamber, where critical missions, smuggling deals, and highly confidential discussions take place. To obtain the badge, one must complete a secret mission assigned specifically by the faction leader Gary.

Holy Water - $HW (Caballeros)

Members of the Caballeros each create their own bottle of water through personal purification methods. Which are then blessed by the faction's leading priests to be considered as Holy Water. The issue lies in the violent nature of the blessing ritual, which diverges significantly from the customs of any era.

Used Engine - $UE (Quasars)

To achieve independence from petroleum energy produced in Fidelion, the Quassars had to seek alternative energy sources. Surprisingly, they advanced to creating bipedal combat mechs using coal. Their technological prowess has positioned them as one of the few formidable forces capable of challenging Fidelion.

Enhanced Bullet - $EB (Zaikasha)

For Zaikasha, there are never enough bullets to bring down Fidelion's massive fortress walls. When producing reinforced bullets, members of ZaikaSha primarily use stolen bullets from Fidelia's weapon factories, as there's no greater satisfaction than piercing through the enemy's skull using ammunition stolen directly from them.

Oil Lighter Case - $OLC (Kossacks)

The lighter case symbolizes the pride of the elite unit, Kossacks. It requires a lengthy and complex process to obtain it. One must prove oneself within the faction, receive commendations, personally procure the raw materials, and deliver them to a skilled craftsman, so one can finally grasp this lighter case in one’s hand. Yet, considering the symbolism and swagger of this lighter, the arduous journey is deemed worthwhile. Of course, assuming one is confident enough not to perish along the way.

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