Fidelion NFT

The Harriers & The Citizens

In order to produce valuable goods in Black Market 2, you need to have at least one Fidelion NFT staked. Each NFT has different stats depending on its Fame level, stats, Purity, etc. The most important strategy in Black Market 2 is to place the right NFTs in each production process and combatant slot.


Fidelion NFTs were released in two collections: Harriers (1st Collection), which are NFTs with attributes of the 9 factions in the Fidelion universe, and Citizens (2nd Collection), which are part of the Fidelion Empire.

NFTs from each faction can be deployed in manufacturing activities to mine sSPL, but the difference is that Faction NFTs manufacture Luxuries and Empire NFTs manufacture Raw materials. (See the sSPL section)


NFTs can build up their fame by spending $VALOR tokens. The amount of $VALOR tokens is required to proportionally increase each level of the fame. The maximum level of Fame is 50.

As the NFT's Fame level increases, the maximum number of stats that can be raised increases, and the NFT can be placed on higher slots. (See the Manufacturing section)

Fame LevelMaximum Stat LevelAvailable Slot

Fame Lv ≥ 1



Fame Lv ≥ 10



Fame Lv ≥ 20



Fame Lv ≥ 30



Fame Lv ≥ 40



Fame Lv = 50



Power Stats

NFTs can spend $VALOR to level up their Power stats. There are five Power stats in total, of which LUK and DEX affect NFT's efficiency in the manufacturing process, while HP, ATK, and DEF are used to determine chances of winning in Looting (Battle). Each stat has a maximum level of 90, and the amount of $VALOR to increase the stat increases proportionally. (See the Power Stats section)


Harriers have a different set of attributes, each of which belongs to a specific faction. Purity is a measure of how much of an attribute an NFT has for a particular faction. In other words, if an NFT has 3 attributes like "[HT]~~~", it has a Purity of 3 for Hunters.

The categories of Attributes that determine purity are listed below.

  • Accessory

  • Clothing

  • Eyewear

  • Full-face Mask

  • Headwear

  • Helmet

  • Marking

  • Mask

  • Weapon

  • Commander of the faction

(Note: Purity does not apply to Citizens)

Gold attributes

Some NFTs have special attributes that are made of gold. These gold attributes will give a boost to the production process. The list of attributes defined as Gold Attributes is as follows

AccessoryFull-face MaskHairHeadwearHelmetMarkingMaskSpecialWeapon

[HT] Gold Chest Rings

[BT] Gold Red Eyes Skull Gas Mask

Silver Locs with Gold Beads

[EP] Gold Holy Light

[HT] Gold Clown Mask

[HT] Gold Double Ring Helix Piercing

[JB] Gold Pipe

Gold Eye Smoke

[BT] Gold Nail Spike Bat

[HT] Gold Skull Necklace

[BT] Gold Skull Gas Mask

[KS] Gold Faceguard Great Helm

[QS] Big Gold Hoop Earring

[KS] Gold Skull Mask

Gold Front All Cover Smoke

[EP] Gold Flag

[JB] Gold Pearl Necklace

[BT] Gold Thug Robbery Mask

[NF] Gold Eyes Great Helm

[EP] Gold Face

Gold Low Cover Smoke

[EP] Gold Double Tactical Sword

[JB] Gold Round Leaf Necklace

[HT] Gold Hockey Mask

[EP] Gold Helm

[EP] Gold Revolver Rifle

[NF] Gold Bars

[JB] Gold Bandana Scarf

[EP] Gold Solar Helm

[EP] Gold Bayonet

[NF] Gold Medalian

[KS] Gold Teeth Iron Mask

[EP] Gold Mask Helm

[EP] Gold Royal Sword

[NF] Gold Megaphone Necklace

[EP] Gold Face Mask

[EP] Gold Cross

[QS] Gold Buddha Chain


[EP] Gold Claymore

[QS] Gold Buddha Necklace


[EP] Gold Umbrella

[QS] Gold Chain


[EP] Gold Pistol

[EP] Gold Belt

Special attributes

Some NFTs are not gold, but have rare attributes. The community calls these attributes Special attributes. Below is a list of Special attributes that are strongly recognized by the community. NFTs with Special attributes receive a boost during production.

BackgroundAccessoryFull-face MaskHairClothingHelmetMarkingSpecialWeapon

Sathoshi Nakamoto Background

Boogle Tribute

Doodle Emote Mask

Zeus Hair

Clayno Tribute

SMB Tribute

BTC Earring

Blood Double Breath Smoke

Nouns Tribute


DKS Tribute


BAYC Tribute

Zeus Head

ETH Forehead Tattoo

Blood Single Breath Smoke

CryptoPunks Tribute

MonkeDAO Patch

Azuki Tribute

DKS Helmet

SOL Eye Tattoo

Blood Light Breath Smoke

Zeus Lightning


Zeus Clothing

Solana Helmet

DeGod City

Blood Eye Smoke

Torn Flag

DeGod City B

Solana Light

Boogle Gun



Holy Light



Dappie Gang

Fidelion Mark

Cigarette Smoke

Bitcoin Pedestal

Zeus Lightning Special

Trade count

Trade count shows how many times the NFT has been traded on Fidelion's own marketplace (does not include trades on Magic Eden and Tensor). The more traded NFTs receive a discount when leveling up Fame and Stat. The discount rate is calculated as follows.

Discountrate(%)=Tradedcount10Discount\,rate(\%) = \frac{Traded\,count}{10}

For example, if the NFT has been traded 50 times on Fidelion's own marketplace, the discount rate will be 5%. The maximum discount rate is 30%.

Last updated