(Under Construction)
A ruthless dictator, Jake keeps a check on the rising nobility whose wealth exceeds his control. Some of the players who hold sSPL will be raided by Jake's forces, apart from looting by other players.
Jake's Exploitation is designed to implement a robust depletion model for sSPL. Its primary function is to regulate the total supply of sSPL within the ideal range, safeguarding the desired volatility in the DEX system. Jake's Exploitation has the following rules:
Jake's Exploitation has the following rules:
Jake's army tries to invade and exploit 20% of all users once a day (this number may change in future balance patches). Users who are attacked by Jake have one of two choices
Give in: The user can pay 10% of their sSPL to Jake to get out of the situation.
Fight back: The user can fight back against Jake, and if they win, they can move on quietly without any exploitation. However, if the user loses, 30% of their sSPL will be taken by Jake. But, losing does not turn the combatant NFTs into a injured state.
Jake's army has exactly the same ATK, DEF, and HP as the user's, so the win rate is always 50%.
If the user's current HP is 0, the Fight back option is not available.
Even if the user was recently looted and is in Protection, it won't stop Jake from looting them.
All sSPL looted by Jake's Exploitation system will be burned.
If Jake invades and no choice is made within a week, the user will automatically lose 30% of their sSPL.
This system will be activated soon.