The production of Raw Materials or Luxuries for the Empire and each Faction requires sufficient labor and time. The number and type of processes that produce each product varies by faction, and up to 6 NFTs can be deployed per process. Naturally, in order for an NFT to work for a particular faction, it must prove to be a member of that faction. An NFT must have at least one of the attributes of that faction in order to be deployed. After several processes, sSPL can be earned, which can then be sold on the black market or through procurement announcements to earn $VALOR, the common currency of the Empire.
Next page of the Black Market of Fidelia
"---ha, speaking of revenue, I've been hearing about this group called '[REDACTED] [REDACTED] Cartel'. They don't raid things; they actually build their own facility to create each faction's products. Making those products by hand, connecting all the factions, and selling them on the Black Market would be a load of money, don't you think?
--- But yeah, you're probably right; it's likely just more nonsense from random idiots."
Sometime around 2080, in the world of Fidelia, there are two distinct groups of people: those inside the Empire Fidelia and those outside it. Within the Fidelion Empire, everyone has a role, even slaves. Nothing goes to waste; everything is fully utilized.
In stark contrast, people outside Fidelion live in a completely opposite situation. They do whatever it takes to survive and make a profit. Whether they belong to a faction with specific tasks or are random harriers, they must find ways to get by. Among the outsiders, there are various ways to earn money. As a player, you were involved in this world as a raider, attacking other facilities to steal goods and valuables. But this time, things are different. You wanted to become more than just a raider. You became a part of a "Commercial Cartel" called [REDACTED]. This group not only half-dominates the black market in Texas but also operates as a professional business organization. They produce goods from the ground up by connecting with the right people in each faction. They have taught you the correct procedures to produce your own goods. Now you are not just buying the goods from the facility - you ARE the facility. You are the one making the products. You are part of the process of creating valuables. Also secretly, you run a product that is usually unsellable in the market but manage to sell it anyway. That is one of the true purposes of this [REDACTED] cartel.
Now, you can form your army, highly loyal and ready to serve you in each faction. They are everywhere in society, ready to serve the cause. Want to create some local valuables? Done. Need your key personnel to go into battle and raid others' assets? Easy.
What will you focus on? Where will you form your army of makers? Will you recruit some "citizens" to be part of your little cartel? As always, the choice is yours.
Project Fidelion is primarily focused on enhancing the experience for NFT holders. To transform the experience beyond merely acquiring tokens through staking, the studio has been launched a staking website - The Black Market, in 2023.
In less than a year, the Black Market has generated over 1 million transactions and has become the most actively played NFT-Fi with over 90% of holders. However, the simplicity of the Black Market, its limitations as a solo game, and its sustainability remained an issue.
Therefore, we decided to launch a new NFT-Fi, Black Market 2. Black Market 2 is designed to be a more complex and interesting strategy-based game than the simple iterations of the original Black Market, but it also inherits the story of the original Black Market. Black Market 2 is a prequel universe to the original Black Market 1, which tells the story of how the Luxuries looted by the Harriers were produced. Black Market 2 also adds a number of De-Fi elements (Customed DEX, customed sSPL, etc.) that will further enrich the game's ecosystem.
Black Market 2 launches with a new NFT collection, Empire NFTs, and a new utility token, $VALOR. While you can still play Black Market 2 with the existing Harriers, Citizens will play a key role in producing the raw materials that underpin the game. The existing Black Market utility token, $2080, will be used to mint the Citizen NFTs.
The tokens rewarded through staking content can be used in various channels within the Fidelion ecosystem, contributing to the revitalization of the ecosystem.
Since Black Market 2 has a completely different game system than Black Market 1, all Harriers' previously leveled stats will be reset, and they will receive the same amount of Chrono Mileage they spent to level up ($2080 at the Regular Price) multiplied by 1.2 as a thank you to the OGs. Harriers can use their Chrono Mileage to rebuild their stats anew.
The LUK stat increases the probability of Critical that the amount of output will increase by a multiplier when manufacturing is complete.
Also uniquely, LUK changes its multiplier every time it reaches a certain level. The multipliers that apply are shown in the table below.
Critical probability based on LUK level follows this formula:
When a Critical occurs, it consumes a higher amount of Input resources by that multiple. If there is not enough of the Input resource, a smaller multiple will be produced.
The DEX stat reduces the time of the manufacturing process by up to 75%.
The formula for the time reduction of a manufacturing based on the DEX stat level is as follows
NFTs have an initial HP value of 200. The HP stat increases the maximum amount of HP, allowing you to withstand enemy attacks longer in battle. The maximum for HP per NFT is 10,000.
The formula for the increase in maximum HP per level of the HP stat is as follows
NFTs have an initial Attack power of 100. The ATK stat increases an NFTs Attack power, which increases its damage to enemies. The maximum Attack power per NFT is 5,000.
The formula for the increase in Attack Power per ATK level is as follows
NFTs have an initial defense power of 100. The DEF stat increases the NFT's defense power, allowing it to better defend against enemy attacks. The maximum amount of Defense Power per NFT is 5,000.
The formula for increasing Defense Power per DEF level is as follows
The Harriers & The Citizens
In order to produce valuable goods in Black Market 2, you need to have at least one Fidelion NFT staked. Each NFT has different stats depending on its Fame level, stats, Purity, etc. The most important strategy in Black Market 2 is to place the right NFTs in each production process and combatant slot.
Fidelion NFTs were released in two collections: Harriers (1st Collection), which are NFTs with attributes of the 9 factions in the Fidelion universe, and Citizens (2nd Collection), which are part of the Fidelion Empire.
NFTs from each faction can be deployed in manufacturing activities to mine sSPL, but the difference is that Faction NFTs manufacture Luxuries and Empire NFTs manufacture Raw materials. (See the sSPL section)
NFTs can build up their fame by spending $VALOR tokens. The amount of $VALOR tokens is required to proportionally increase each level of the fame. The maximum level of Fame is 50.
As the NFT's Fame level increases, the maximum number of stats that can be raised increases, and the NFT can be placed on higher slots. (See the Manufacturing section)
Fame Lv ≥ 1
Fame Lv ≥ 10
Fame Lv ≥ 20
Fame Lv ≥ 30
Fame Lv ≥ 40
Fame Lv = 50
NFTs can spend $VALOR to level up their Power stats. There are five Power stats in total, of which LUK and DEX affect NFT's efficiency in the manufacturing process, while HP, ATK, and DEF are used to determine chances of winning in Looting (Battle). Each stat has a maximum level of 90, and the amount of $VALOR to increase the stat increases proportionally. (See the Power Stats section)
Harriers have a different set of attributes, each of which belongs to a specific faction. Purity is a measure of how much of an attribute an NFT has for a particular faction. In other words, if an NFT has 3 attributes like "[HT]~~~", it has a Purity of 3 for Hunters.
The categories of Attributes that determine purity are listed below.
Full-face Mask
Commander of the faction
(Note: Purity does not apply to Citizens)
Some NFTs have special attributes that are made of gold. These gold attributes will give a boost to the production process. The list of attributes defined as Gold Attributes is as follows
[HT] Gold Chest Rings
[BT] Gold Red Eyes Skull Gas Mask
Silver Locs with Gold Beads
[EP] Gold Holy Light
[HT] Gold Clown Mask
[HT] Gold Double Ring Helix Piercing
[JB] Gold Pipe
Gold Eye Smoke
[BT] Gold Nail Spike Bat
[HT] Gold Skull Necklace
[BT] Gold Skull Gas Mask
[KS] Gold Faceguard Great Helm
[QS] Big Gold Hoop Earring
[KS] Gold Skull Mask
Gold Front All Cover Smoke
[EP] Gold Flag
[JB] Gold Pearl Necklace
[BT] Gold Thug Robbery Mask
[NF] Gold Eyes Great Helm
[EP] Gold Face
Gold Low Cover Smoke
[EP] Gold Double Tactical Sword
[JB] Gold Round Leaf Necklace
[HT] Gold Hockey Mask
[EP] Gold Helm
[EP] Gold Revolver Rifle
[NF] Gold Bars
[JB] Gold Bandana Scarf
[EP] Gold Solar Helm
[EP] Gold Bayonet
[NF] Gold Medalian
[KS] Gold Teeth Iron Mask
[EP] Gold Mask Helm
[EP] Gold Royal Sword
[NF] Gold Megaphone Necklace
[EP] Gold Face Mask
[EP] Gold Cross
[QS] Gold Buddha Chain
[EP] Gold Claymore
[QS] Gold Buddha Necklace
[EP] Gold Umbrella
[QS] Gold Chain
[EP] Gold Pistol
[EP] Gold Belt
Some NFTs are not gold, but have rare attributes. The community calls these attributes Special attributes. Below is a list of Special attributes that are strongly recognized by the community. NFTs with Special attributes receive a boost during production.
Sathoshi Nakamoto Background
Boogle Tribute
Doodle Emote Mask
Zeus Hair
Clayno Tribute
SMB Tribute
BTC Earring
Blood Double Breath Smoke
Nouns Tribute
DKS Tribute
BAYC Tribute
Zeus Head
ETH Forehead Tattoo
Blood Single Breath Smoke
CryptoPunks Tribute
MonkeDAO Patch
Azuki Tribute
DKS Helmet
SOL Eye Tattoo
Blood Light Breath Smoke
Zeus Lightning
Zeus Clothing
Solana Helmet
DeGod City
Blood Eye Smoke
Torn Flag
DeGod City B
Solana Light
Boogle Gun
Holy Light
Dappie Gang
Fidelion Mark
Cigarette Smoke
Bitcoin Pedestal
Zeus Lightning Special
Trade count shows how many times the NFT has been traded on Fidelion's own marketplace (does not include trades on Magic Eden and Tensor). The more traded NFTs receive a discount when leveling up Fame and Stat. The discount rate is calculated as follows.
For example, if the NFT has been traded 50 times on Fidelion's own marketplace, the discount rate will be 5%. The maximum discount rate is 30%.
A faction's factory will not accept traitors, so only NFTs that have at least one of the faction's attributes can be deployed.
Each process in each faction has 6 slots, so there can be up to 6 NFTs per process. When deploying NFTs in the process, you can start at a lower level. For example, if you want to deploy an NFT on the 4th slot, you must have other NFTs on the 1st through 3rd slots. Initially, only the first slot is unlocked, and a certain amount of $VALOR is required to unlock the next slot. NFTs placed on higher slots will receive a bigger boost to their manufacturing power. (See the )
Because each process exists independently, the results for Slot Unlock are not shared. When unlocking Slots, be thoughtful about your faction choices and deck composition.
All processes for all factions except the Empire require input materials. If enough input materials are available, the NFT will begin manufacturing from the moment it is deployed.
The stealable SPL (sSPL) is a new token specification created using TOKEN2022 that is designed to be SPL compliant but not send or spend tokens outside of Black Market 2. This new token specification allowed us to implement our own DEX, while still enabling game mechanics where you can steal tokens from your opponents through a looting system.
In Black Market 2, 11 sSPLs and 1 standard SPL ($VALOR) are used, with the sSPLs divided into 2 raw materials and 9 Luxuries.
Citizens can manufacture the raw materials $MRE and $OIL with minimal processing. Raw materials are essential to the process of manufacturing Luxuries, i.e., they serve as the basic resources for all processes. However, $OIL and $MRE are resources manufactured in the empire, so there is no need to import resources through procurement.
Oil is the foundation of Fidelion's development and its sustaining power. Extracted from drilling plants and finally refined at the Fidelion Tower, the refined oil is the most valuable resource, with a versatility comparable to Valor currency.
The staple food of the Fidelians. Due to its stable supply and practicality, it is treated as a currency almost as valuable as oil. We can’t say they taste great, but expecting gourmet quality is just too much to ask given that the whole planet has become a barren wasteland. But wait, how are they growing ingredients in such a wasteland?
Harriers can manufacture Luxuries based on raw materials. Luxuries are specialties that symbolize each faction. Through each faction's process, raw materials can be processed into Luxuries using NFTs' labor and time.
Most members of Blattas carry a crude voodoo doll made from twigs. These dolls are used to decorate their bikes, as companions when they have no one to talk to, and as grave markers when their young comrades are laid to rest beneath the earth contaminated with radioactivity.
When the Hunters capture prisoners, they meticulously inspect prisoners’ teeth and collect gold ones. These gold teeth are considered as the trophies of successful hunts, as well as accessories and tokens. Stories even speak of Hunters implanting these stolen gold teeth into their own gaping, toothless gums. However, this seems more likely to be a myth than reality misled by their infamous brutality.
We all at least once heard the famous quote from Jack, the leader of JackNBoyz.
"Even if the world were to go down to shit, there is one thing I would never give up on. Whiskey.”
The essence of JB Whiskey may be closer to crude home-brewed beer than actual whiskey, but aren’t mood and the label all that matters?"
The bottles that members of Nine Fingers carry around all the time raise several questions: what exactly is inside them, where to obtain them from, and why Nine Fingers always carry them, etc. However, no matter which question you ask, there's only one answer you'll ever hear: "Ask Dave.”
The G badge symbolizes Gary's Lounge. This badge serves as a pass to the lounge's secret chamber, where critical missions, smuggling deals, and highly confidential discussions take place. To obtain the badge, one must complete a secret mission assigned specifically by the faction leader Gary.
Members of the Caballeros each create their own bottle of water through personal purification methods. Which are then blessed by the faction's leading priests to be considered as Holy Water. The issue lies in the violent nature of the blessing ritual, which diverges significantly from the customs of any era.
To achieve independence from petroleum energy produced in Fidelion, the Quassars had to seek alternative energy sources. Surprisingly, they advanced to creating bipedal combat mechs using coal. Their technological prowess has positioned them as one of the few formidable forces capable of challenging Fidelion.
For Zaikasha, there are never enough bullets to bring down Fidelion's massive fortress walls. When producing reinforced bullets, members of ZaikaSha primarily use stolen bullets from Fidelia's weapon factories, as there's no greater satisfaction than piercing through the enemy's skull using ammunition stolen directly from them.
The lighter case symbolizes the pride of the elite unit, Kossacks. It requires a lengthy and complex process to obtain it. One must prove oneself within the faction, receive commendations, personally procure the raw materials, and deliver them to a skilled craftsman, so one can finally grasp this lighter case in one’s hand. Yet, considering the symbolism and swagger of this lighter, the arduous journey is deemed worthwhile. Of course, assuming one is confident enough not to perish along the way.